Monday, June 22, 2009

thoughts from Willow Creek

I always see this on the wall when I go to the arts conference in Chicago:

"For most of us, the word broken means useless. Yet in the upside down world of God's Kingdom, broken can mean ready to be used---as when a soul is broken before God and yielded. A mosaic is a piece of art that begins with broken pieces and then turns into something beautiful. We are all God's mosaic, our brokenness crafted by his wise and skillful hand into a work of beauty."

Anyway, as always it was worth going to. Hillsong United gave a concert...I picked up on some great video ideas. It was a nice getaway.

Speaking of getaways, four of my children are backpacking across South America for the next month. You can assume that my prayer life will be consistent and intact during that time.