Friday, February 15, 2008

Winterfest once more...

Ah, the year comes full circle. Once again, I sit secluded (half hiding) in my office as Lisa and Ellyn coordinates the yearly drama of who gets to sit on which bus. They leave and quiet falls once more in the lobby of the church building. I pray for good weather, that the buses stay on the road, and that lives are changed for the good.

This weekend, as conversations are being had and new elders stand in readiness for a huge change in their life, it's amazing to see how fragile all life is...human life, church life, the ebb and flow of a congregation---a group of believers. I pray because it is the only thing I can do and because it is the most that I can do. It is all that I can do.

Did you know that worship means doing those things that tell God He is preeminant in your life? In other words, if something is not meaningful to you when doing it, it's not going to be seen as worship by Him. The reverse is also true. By the way, a couple of elders have found some interesting articles online regarding worship that they have been circulating. Let me know if you want to get in on the reading of those.

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