Monday, October 22, 2007

The relationships that never deepen....

The relationships that never deepen,
The hurting people unknowingly ignored...
The prayers never uttered---
The noble thoughts never entertained.

(quotes from Sunday's sermon) I guess we need to tape the above to both our computer screen and television set, huh? As our society increasingly lives more inside a box than in a real world; life is indeed becoming too comfortable with little or no bonding to fellow human beings and no creativity on the horizon. Yes, I watch TV, all this is self directed as well. I believe Bruce was referring to us becoming desensitized to images of starving children when he mentioned ignoring hurting people. In my mind, however, I saw spouses and brushed aside children sitting around a room, staring uncontrollably at a flickering screen. We don't have to go far to unknowingly ignore hurting people.

But on to a happier subject. I'm headed home this weekend to a birthday bash for my mom who is turning 80. It's top secret, which is why I'm blogging about it. :) I'm counting on the fact that my mom will not go near a computer---she long ago reasoned that anything having to do with a "mouse" can't be good. Mounds of family and friends will be there! Her best friend of 76 years is planning on coming. Can you imagine? Ah, Kentucky, land of scuttering crawdads down in Green River, hiding under crystalized rocks. I can't wait. There's a whole tribe of people, in the hills, who look just like me...still perplexed as to how to battle flaming frizzy hair and not knowing where the freckes end and the age spots begin. Personally, I'm from the big city of Lexington, which is why I can coexist on the east coast...but on days when the traffic jams are too confining and there's not enough air in the cubicle...I need to go back home. I can't wait!

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