Monday, December 10, 2007

Talent Show, 2007

It's Monday morning and I can't begin to tell you how full my heart is. Favorites from last night are...well, really everybody. My personal most fun was directing Rod Gregory and the chorus in "This Child Is", the father/daughter duets were absolutely beautiful ("Remember Me" has just gone on my list to be sung at my funeral one day), Gillian---you made Chad cry with joy, the kids' dance was just downright perfect, Rhonda---your face at the end made all the effort worth it, and a special appreciation to the elders for allowing us to laugh (and laugh and laugh) at you. That, in itself, is a precious gift. I had no idea our talent pool was so extensive. The male quartet are the first ones I'm going to ask to be on our new C.D. !All the instrumentalists...Shanna, Karen, Don & Jerri, Doug & Mallory, Hayden!....were so inspiring! And all the soloists; Tim, Jennie, & Chris (Chris, I'm glad I let you in the show after all :) )---not only did you sing beautifully but from your heart. Each one of your songs reflected your life story and a window through which you let us peek inside. And to my dear friends who always are by my side, the Kerbys and the Lawrences. I don't think it would be possible to put on a production without you. Other familiar faces in tech; Dana & Melanie and well....just get a program and count up the hundred names that made last night possible. Never stop using your gifts, y'all. The day we stop expressing our innermost longings is the day we cease to be human.
The world needs you, never doubt that. Again, my heartfelt appreciation.
Until next time, Darla

1 comment:

Murray Sanderson said...

Oh, I wish I could have been there so badly. I'm reminiscing about the last 2 talent shows and "One Of Us"...remember that one, with Daisha? Good times.
Merry Christmas Darla & the gang!